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An image with the 12 key asks the video games industry has for EU policy makers, organised under the subcategories: 1. Make Europe the best place to create ad invest in games 2. Continue the self- and co- regulation success story 3. Create, attract and invest in skills and talent, and 4. Support innovation.

Over the course of the 2019-2024 mandate, the EU focused on a major overhaul of digital policy with the ambition of making Europe fit for the Digital Age – to drive innovation and promote economic growth. In that five-year period, Europe’s video games industry grew 16%. In terms of our economic contribution, Europe’s video games industry is worth €24 billion and employs 110,000 skilled workers throughout the continent.

In terms of the role our sector plays in society, 53% of Europeans play our games, 46.7% of players are women and girls and the average age of a player is 32. Our games provide hours of entertainment, but they also provide young people with important digital skills. We know that girls who play video games are three times more likely to go on to study STEM.   

For the 2024-2029 mandate, our sector calls on Europe’s policy makers to recognise video games as a sector on its own merits, with specific needs and requirements. This is important to unlock future potential growth that will be crucial to support Europe in attaining more sustainable growth and to support technological and digital transition.

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